Microblogging: A Complete Guide For Beginners

We are living in a world of internet marketing. Blogs play an important role in internet marketing, and at present, there are more than 150 million blogs on the internet. Starting from technology to gardening to learning languages, there is nothing better than blogging to secure revenue.

Blogs increase website traffic, ensuring your reader obtains relevant data and gets an idea about your company, your products and services. But it is not that easy. Developing a relationship with your target audience is important to boost your engagement rate and generate a community that reads and enjoys your work on a regular basis. An engaged and enthusiastic audience also assists in promoting your products and services, thereby decreasing the paid marketing amount.

This is where microblogging plays its role.

What Is Microblogging? 

Microblogging is a specified type of blogging that provides content in a short format. This is a handy way of distributing your content as the size of the information here is a bite-size. Many people believe microblogging is an amalgamation of instant messaging and normal blogging.

Microblogs are also known as micro-posts that help businesses, entrepreneurs, and companies share their information in small text or images, or videos. At the time when this term was first created, some websites were created for microblogging, like Twitter, Plurk, and Tumblr, but at present, a lot of social media websites have microblogging sections on their platforms.

For instance, on Facebook, there is, “What’s on your mind?” where you can generate a microblog post.

Source: swipetown.com

Benefits Of Microblogging 

You might have thought that why would you start posting on a microblogging site? If you are reluctant to jump on sites like Tumblr or Twitter, then here are some reasons that you can consider trying them:

  1. Build brand awareness

People nowadays are very busy and lack time for reading lengthy posts. These are the reasons microblogging sites are becoming popular. People prefer to read small-sized content and share it on social media platforms. Thus, microblogging helps in building a brand and enhancing brand awareness.

  1. Develop your business network

Microblogging websites can be utilized for nurturing your business network. For example, in 2020, Twitter and Instagram were the top sites for microblogging, which helped enhance the business network.

  1. Less time is required for curating content

You need time for writing or putting together content for creating a long post. But with microblogging, you can create a new post that will hardly take a few minutes to write.

  1. Easy to make frequent posts.

Traditional blogging needs lengthy content, and posting frequency is less, while with microblogging, the posts are short, and you can post frequently. This way, you save time and also, at the same time, give more information to your potential audience.

  1. Share urgent information easily.

Microblogging platforms are designed to be very easy and fast to use. With a simple tweet, a Tumblr post or an Instagram photo, you can easily update everyone. Businesses can easily give an update about their products and services within a few minutes.

  1. Faster communication with your followers

Other than better communication with short and frequent posts, microblogging sites encourage and facilitate more interaction because of features like tweeting, reblogging, commenting, liking, etc.

Top Microblogging Platforms For You to Start With 

Microblogging websites are becoming popular as they serve content in a format that present-day users find highly palatable. While there are a lot of microblogging websites, here are a few that are frontrunners. This is because of their high traffic numbers and page view data.


twitter mircoblogging
Source: macmillandictionaryblog.com

Twitter stands high among microblogging sites because of its comprehensive user base of about several million. For most Americans, Twitter is the main source of news. With such dependency, Twitter is one of the best choices for microbloggers worldwide.

For every tweet, it has a 280 characters cap. This platform allows relevant interaction through likes, retweets, and comments. In addition, you can also make use of Twitter cards to insert your audio or video clips, live links, and photo galleries. Twitter moments also allow you to group your favorite tweets and display them as slideshows.


tumblr microblogging

Tumblr is close to Twitter in terms of popularity as a microblogging site. It contains more than 466 million blogs and is one of the renowned platforms for doing microblogging. Here, you can easily share your blogs and follow other people’s blogs. The blogs that you follow will appear in your dashboard, where you can reblog or give comments.

Tumblr is more flexible than Twitter when the matter is about capping on character count. It limits the character count for relies on 475, and for asking messages, it’s 500. For making posts, the text block limit is 250 each day, and it is both for iOS and Android. You can post anything here, right from text, links, static images, you name it, etc.


instagram mircoblogging

Some microbloggers find it hard to understand the Instagram visual interface. But it is catching up with other microblogging sites very fast. Its character count limit is 2200, which offers writers extra room for expressing themselves. But the Instagram team is recommending keeping the image captions under 250 characters so that they are completely seen in the feed.

A lot of microbloggers are pattering into Instagram’s visual appeal. They are elaborating all of their short posts with interesting graphics and are adding links to their full-length posts or websites.


facebook microblogging

Facebook is an invincible microblogging website because of several varieties of content formats that it provides microbloggers. Besides regular text and image-loaded posts, you can easily generate surveys, questionnaires, virtual cards, live videos, etc.

Facebook’s Story feature is also another interesting feature for microblogging. You can easily gather some related posts into your story and provide them with catchy captions. Your posts will appear like a slideshow, and you can make the addition of various effects as well as transitions to make them more attractive.

Furthermore, you can make groups for more target marketing. For example, you can easily round up potential clients in a group and then present them with exciting microblog posts that push them down through the sales funnel.


pinterest microblogging

It is yet another platform catching up with many microbloggers’ interests. It is completely visual where you can attach notes to the pictures. In addition, you can generate Pinterest Boards where you can easily pin pictures about a particular theme.

You can follow renowned boards that line up with your interests as well as your industry. Comprehensibly, Pinterest consists of a niche audience base with a wonderful fan following. In addition, Pinterest takes your content marketing to a completely new level when your content is highly visual.

How to Set Up Your Own Microblog? 

Now, when you know what microblogging is and its benefits, let’s know how you can set up your microblog?

 Step 1. Select a platform

Choosing the platform where you want to share your microblogs is vital. The reason is each platform has its requirements and practices. Therefore, you should know what makes you the most successful, and accordingly, you need to personalize your posts to fit the social media standards.

Here are a few things you must know about important microblogging sites:


  • It mainly focuses on the visual part of your content
  • People between the age bracket 18 and 34 mainly use this platform
  • The character limit here is 2200 characters
  • Hashtags are very important


  • Maximum users of age bracket 25 and 34 years
  • The character limit is 63206
  • Hashtags are not common but can be used whenever necessary
  • The best time to post on Facebook is between 8 am to 12 pm.


  • Mainly popular for rapid distribution of information
  • Maximum users of age group 25 and 34 years old
  • The character limit here is 280 characters
  • Hashtags are very important on Twitter. The best practice here is to use two hashtags that you can integrate into the body of the microblog.

Step 2: Choose the type of content

You can post any content in your microblogs. Even though you can make your content promotional, it’s good to design informative and entertaining content for your followers.

Here are a few things that will work for you:

  • Status updates: You can share news about your new project, launching a new service, working on a sale, etc.
  • Memes: You can generate memes that are specifically for your field
  • Videos: These videos can complete a copy that you will share, or they can be standalone
  • Quotes: You can share good quotes that will inspire you to become better
  • Links: Share links that can point out to
  • Any blog post that you have written recently
  • News in the field
  • Your products and services

It is good to experiment with varied kinds of microblogs and check which works better for your target audience. Post your microblogs and check how the audience interacts with every post.

Step 3:Make use of the Automation tool

As maximum microblogging occurs on social media platforms, making use of a social media automation tool is best for your business.

Social bee is one such tool available in the market when the matter is about distributing content online.

Here are a few things you can do using SocialBee

  • Generate content and personalize it for every platform
  • Build up various content categories
  • Generate hashtag collections
  • Import multimedia links as well as files at the same time

So, you can set up your first microblogs and share them on various social media platforms.

Best Microblog Examples 

So, if you strongly wish your marketing strategy to work, you must use blogging and Microblogging. While a normal blog shows your expertise, Microblogging helps you remain connected to your audience.

Here are a few examples of some popular microblogs of some popular brands that will give you a perfect idea of what a microblog looks like:

  1. Cadbury India Microblog

Cadbury has used Twitter for its ad campaigns for a long time, they also planned their ad “I can feel your lips” to go viral on TikTok.

Here’s the tweet

This #IndependenceDay, we are unveiling our special limited edition chocolate. or RT this tweet to get an exclusive preview of it right now!

  1.  Shaadi.com microblog

Shaddi.com with the #FastForHer campaign showed that microblogging is not only for traditional advertisers but various other categories. Here is the microblog they posted on Twitter with an image:

“Get us 100 RTs on this post to know the #FastForHer contest question! Are you all up for the challenge? “#ContestAlert #ContestIndia

Frequently Asked Questions About Microblogging

Q: What is the difference between blogging and microblogging?

Ans: Blogging consists of a web page containing some informational posts by a single or multiple users and is related to a specific topic. Still, microblogging is short messages or posts shared with audiences online using microblogging platforms like Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram.

Q: What are the benefits of microblogging?

Microblogging helps in
Enhancing your SEO rankings
Gaining exposure and visibility online
Bringing more value to the consumer
Establishing a business as an industry leader
Generating leads and enhancing conversion rate
Offering your company a voice

Q: How much does it cost to start a microblog?

Ans: Well, it depends on your requirements. For basics, it is free, and then there are varied charges for hosted microblog, premium, and microblog teams.

Q: Which one is the most popular microblogging website?

Ans: Twitter is the most popular microblogging site that allows you to make small posts called tweets of 140 characters in length.

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